
Special events


Junior school events

There are a number of ways we celebrate success in the academic and sporting arena. Fortnightly celebration assemblies are a time when students are acknowledged for their work, effort, attitude and extra curricula achievements.

Teachers also celebrate and acknowledge students within the classroom in a range of ways, including Positive Postcards, Woorie Awards and Woorie Tickets to acknowledge students who exhibit the attributes of our College value of being a Safe, Respectful Learner.   

There are a number of key events in the Junior School. These include:

Under 8's Day

Where students and parents come together to celebrate early childhood through a range of fun and engaging activities. Our local childcare centres and Playgroup attend this exciting event.

Grandparents Day Event

Each year we celebrate this event by inviting Grandparents to join us for a Junior Campus Assembly, followed by the opportunity to spend time in their grandchildren's classrooms for fun, learning activities with dedicated activities in literacy, numeracy and social interaction. 

Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming Carnival

These sporting events allow all students from Prep - Year 6 to participate and earn points for their sporting houses, Freeman, Irwin, Rush and Watson. Student who excel in these events may have the opportunity to represent our College at District, Regional and State titles.

Last reviewed 11 December 2020
Last updated 11 December 2020