Students go through an in-depth process of planning throughout Year 10 in preparation for Years 11 and 12 and beyond, called Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan).
Year 10 Curriculum
Year 10 prepares students for their Senior school courses with a wide variety of options for students. They select from a large range of core and elective subjects within different faculties. The subject guide for the current year provides information on each subject offered.
Finally Year 10 students are given the opportunity to participate in a Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways course which builds real world, global skills, helping students to successfully navigate Senior school challenges and life after school.
Years 11 and 12 Curriculum
Curriculum for Years 11 and 12 offers a wide variety of specialised subjects to cater for the needs of individual students. There are a range of subjects both in the tertiary pathway and the vocational training pathway. The subject guide for the current year provides information on each subject offered.
You can access the latest Subject Guide in the of the Senior school curriculum page. Additionally, many students in their Senior years study vocational education and training (VET) courses inside or outside of school.
For further information on visit our 'Vocational Education' page.
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
The QCE is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification which is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements.
All students aspire in their Senior school years to achieve their QCE. To receive a QCE, students must achieve the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements. The QCE is issued to eligible students by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) when they meet all the requirements. More information is available on the QCE website.
More information
If you would like specific information on a specific subject, please contact your student's teacher or the relevant Head of Department (HOD).