Our College was part of the 'Flying Start' program commencing in 2013. Since then our Year 7 program alone has grown from 4 classes to more than twice that. Junior Secondary continues to be underpinned by the Six Junior Secondary Guiding Principles. Our Junior Secondary schooling is supported through a number of human resources including a dedicated Junior Secondary Deputy Principal, Junior Secondary Head of Department, Dean of Students for each year level and teachers specifically trained and experienced in teaching Junior Secondary.
The Six Junior Secondary guiding principles:
1. Distinct identity
2. Quality teaching
3. Student wellbeing
4. Parent and community involvement
5. Leadership
6. Local decision making
To read more about how Nambour State College enacts the 6 Principles see resources to the right.
The College also offers a specialist Pinnacle extension program for highly motivated students. Students must apply to enter the Pinnacle Program and their results are reviewed each term (see more information under Curriculum, Excellence Programs).
Our Community Pathways program also provides individualised support and programs for students who have significant challenges. Specialised staff support students to engage in the curriculum and learning environment in authentic ways suited to their needs.
Year 7 is a time of transition and as such is supported through a number of ways including transitional programs, students sharing core classes and teachers and explicit instructions regarding procedures and behaviour. Year 7 have 6 core classes:
· English
· Mathematics
· Science
· Humanities
· Health and Physical Education
· Skill Development
· Japanese / Health & wellbeing Education (1 semester)
Electives are run in 8-week rotations designed to allow students to try each of the subjects available in Year 8 and 9 Electives include:
· Agriculture
· Business
· Dance
· Digital Technologies
· Drama
· Food and Design
· Industrial Technologies and Design
· Media Arts
· Music
· Visual Art
At the end of Year 7, students choose their subjects for Years 8. This process is then repeated for Year 9. Therefore, in Year 8 and 9 students have 5 core classes plus skills development and health & wellbeing education and choose 2 electives. (See NSC Junior Secondary Curriculum Handbook in resources, right)
Year 10 is a transitional year between Junior School and Senior Schooling. Please see the Senior secondary page for more information about Year 10.